Genesis Well

Exploring the Deep Wells of our Journey with God

You, God, are my God,

Earnestly I seek You;

I thirst for You,

My whole being longs for You

— Psalm 63:1a

We are made for God, and our souls thirst for God. Even when we’re not consciously aware of it, there is a sacred dance going on as we long for our Creator and God actively works in our lives. 

Through Spiritual Direction, the Lord reveals the sacred direction of our lives. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit within Direction, we:

When Jesus met the Samaritan Woman at the well, He invited her to drink from the deep well of Living Water. He invited her to a life of deep intimacy with Him—a place where she could be known, be heard, be comforted, be loved. Jesus invites us to the same deep well of intimacy with Him today. 

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

— Augustine of Hippo

What is Spiritual Direction?

At its essence, Spiritual Direction is a prayerful conversation of accompaniment between two people with the Holy Spirit’s guiding presence at the center. 

The role of the Spiritual Director is a bit of a misnomer, however, since the Holy Spirit is the actual “director” of the conversation. A Spiritual Director can help, though, through spiritual listening, asking questions, encouraging, and noticing God’s activity. 

Spiritual Direction can resemble counseling or coaching in that it’s a one-on-one conversation that is safe, confidential, and without judgment. It is different, however, since its focus is on our journey of an ever-deepening relationship with God. Out of that deepening relationship, we grow in seeing God’s active role in our everyday lives (from the most mundane to the most dramatic), and we naturally grow in discerning the paths God has ordained, as well as the purpose among our struggles and joys.